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(3) Caruana,Fabiano (2832) - Carlsen,Magnus (2835) [B31]

(3) Caruana,Fabiano (2832) - Carlsen,Magnus (2835) [B31]
2018 World Chess Championship London (3), 12.11.2018
[Sam Shankland]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 Unsurprisingly, Caruana was the first to deviate from game 1, where everything went wrong for him. 6.0-0 [6.h3 In the first game, White chose h3, serving as prophylaxis against Bg4 and remaining flexible with the rest of his pieces. This time, he declared his intentions earlier and castled right away.] 6...Qc7!? Magnus chose a very rare move. I am not at all convinced that it is superior to Nf6, which is far and away the most common choice, but it keeps in line with his willingness to mix things up a bit early on to try to get Caruana out of his book and comfort zone. [6...Nf6 Has been the main move for a long time. Black plans Nd7 and e5, much like he played in game 1, and challenges White to find a reason it doesn't work as well without h3 included.] 7.Re1 I never really understood such positions, but Caruana's plan makes a lot of sense. He wants to provoke Black into advancing e7-e5 so that he can then hope to play on the queenside with a2-a3 followed by b2-b4 without any problems on the long diagonal. [7.h3 The machine prefers this move, transposing to a similar kind of position to game one. Perhaps this is a better version since Black has prematurely played Qc7 (In that game the queen turned out to be better placed on d6), but I still can't imagine Black having any major problems.] 7...e5 8.a3 White's play is not particularly subtle, but very sensible. b4 is coming, and if Black has to take on b4, he is usually left with an unpleasant position. The rook on a1 will open up, and a lot of Black's cerntal control will disappear. Magnus spent some time here and may have been out of his concrete preparation, but his subsequent play suggested that he was very comfortable with the main ideas of the position. 8...Nf6 9.b4 0-0 Not fearing bxc5. [9...cxb4? 10.axb4 This would give White exactly what he wants, and he looks pleasantly better.] 10.Nbd2 [10.bxc5 Grabbing the pawn was obviously a critical move, but Black is not without counterplay. 10...Nd7! The only way for White to hang onto the pawn now is fo go for 11.Be3 But after 11...f5! Black is getting King's Indian style counterplay. For example, the computer claims White is better after 12.Ng5 Nf6 13.Bd2 But I absolutely do not buy it. Following 13...f4! The position is closed, the extra c5-pawn hardly matters, and h6+g5 is on the way. Magnus won a game in similar style against Caruana in Tata Steel 2015.] 10...Bg4!? This is a very direct move. It's probably not best in a higher chess sense, but it simplifies the position a lot, to one that Magnus was probably quite sure he would not lose. [10...cxb4 According to the machine, this was the way to go. But I really do not mind Magnus' choice. Humans are predisposed not to take on b4, as every bit of chess wisdom known about the Rossolimo suggest that Black should leave his pawn on c5 if at all possible.] 11.h3 [11.bxc5 Was again possible, but now after 11...Nd7 Black wins the pawn back on the spot.] 11...Bxf3 12.Nxf3 cxb4! Normally this move is wrong, but the position is different because Black can immediately get the a7-a5 advance in. This trades off some pawns and neutralizes the potentially problematic open a-file. 13.axb4 a5! 14.bxa5 Rxa5 The computer claims White is slightly better here, but I really don't buy it. Black is very solid, has no weaknesses, and a clear plan for all of his pieces. 15.Bd2 [15.Rxa5 This may have been a better try. Still, after 15...Qxa5 16.Bd2 Qc7 17.Qa1 Nd7 18.Qa7 Rb8! Black overprotects b7, and he is ready to play Bf8-d6 (or c5 if allowed). Once the bishop is on d6, b5 will come, expelling the queen. Of course White is on the more pleasant side of equality but I really struggle to imagine Magnus having much trouble hanging on.] 15...Raa8 16.Qb1 Nd7 17.Qb4 Rfe8! Black stops any Qe7 ideas and clears the f8 square for his bishop 18.Bc3 b5 Around here Caruana took a lot of time before swapping all the rooks. I don't love his decision but as I said in the beginning, I don't think anyone ever had a chance. 19.Rxa8 [19.Qb2 According to the machine, this was a superior choice, with White holding a massive 0.09 advantage. It would almost certainly not have changed the final result.] 19...Rxa8 20.Ra1 Rxa1+ 21.Bxa1 Qa7 22.Bc3 Qa2 23.Qb2 Qxb2 24.Bxb2 This endgame is a little more pleasant for Black due to his extra space and potential to possibly make an outside passed pawn. Still, I'd say the odds of beating a 2800 are close to zero. 24...f6 25.Kf1 Kf7 26.Ke2 Nc5 27.Bc3 Ne6 28.g3 Bf8 29.Nd2 Ng5! I like this move. If for no other reason, it gives me a chance to shamelessly plug my book! In "Small Steps to Giant Improvement" (which you can buy a signed copy of from my website...), I spent a lot of time talking about how pawns do not move backward, and that there can be very good reason to provoke an opponent's pawn forward. Here, Magnus has played Ne6-g5, forcing the pawn to h4, where it will be worse placed. 30.h4 Ne6 Black's 2 "lost" tempi do not matter at all, but now the pawn on h4 will be fixed on a dark square. In the event of some pawn trades, this pawn could become a weakness. 31.Nb3 h5 32.Bd2 Bd6 33.c3 c5 Magnus came up with the plan of transferring the king to the queenside. It's not a bad idea, but I had another one. [33...g5!? With this move, Black poses the question to white of what he wants to do about the pawn tension. The pawn on h4 is indeed misplaced on the dark square, and he has to either allow gxh4, which will leave him with a long-term targetable weakness (Nf8-g6, Ke6, f6-f5, Be7 is a good way for Black to attack it), or he has to take on g5 to allow Black an outside passed pawn. Neither option is particularly appetizing, but the position is so simplified that I think in either case, Black will not have nearly enough to win. 34.Be3 Probably allowing gxh4 is the lesser evil. (34.hxg5 fxg5 35.Kf1 c5 White should probably hold just by sitting, but Black has a real plan to play both h4 and b4, making passed pawns on opposite sides of the board.) 34...gxh4 35.gxh4 Nf8 36.Na5 White has enough counterplay to hang on] 34.Be3 Ke7 35.Kd1 Kd7 36.Kc2 f5 37.Kd1 fxe4?! After this it's absolutely drawn. [37...f4 Was a better try, though again I really doubt it would have changed the result. 38.Bd2 (38.gxf4? exf4 39.Bc1 Be7 Black wins, and we see a point of Magnus' previous play to provoke the pawn to h4.) 38...g5! White now cannot allow hxg4 followed by Be7. 39.hxg5 Nxg5 The pawn tension between g3 and f4 is in Black's favor since White never wants to take f4- it would leave Black with a deadly passed h-pawn. In addition, c5-c4 is a threat, undermining the e4 pawn, which cannot be defended by f2-f3, thanks to the previously mentioned pawn tension. Still, if White hangs tight, I don't see a great plan for Black, and the defense is pretty straightforward. 40.Ke2 c4 41.Na1 Kc6 42.Nc2 It's hard to imagine White losing.] 38.dxe4 c4 39.Nd2 Nc5 40.Bxc5 Bxc5 41.Ke2! The last important move, but also a very easy one. I could imagine Caruana blundering with f3 if he had almost no time on his clock (though I still think it would be extremely unlikely), but on move 41, this would never happen. [41.f3? Would weaken White's position too much, and indeed he loses after 41...Bb6! Since he is in zugwang. 42.Ke2 (42.Kc2 Bf2! 43.Nf1 Be1! And white is permanently paralyzed as both his knight and king are stuck defending pawns. Black will break through with King to c5, and then b4.; 42.Nf1 Kc6 43.Ke2 b4! Setting the pawns in motion. 44.cxb4 Kb5 ) 42...Ba5 43.Nb1 Kc6 44.Kd2 Kc5 45.Kc2 b4 46.cxb4+ Bxb4 47.Nd2 Kd4 Black wins.] 41...Kc6 42.Nf1 b4 43.cxb4 Bxb4 44.Ne3 Kc5 45.f4 exf4 46.gxf4 Ba5 47.f5 gxf5 48.Nxc4 Kxc4 49.exf5 I think Magnus played quite a bit better than Caruana today, but the position was so dry (and initially a little unpleasant for Black, albeit very defensible) that he never had any serious chances. Still, since he did not fully equalize, I am curious to see if he will repeat the Sicilian again in game 5. 1/2-1/2

(4) Carlsen,Magnus (2835) - Caruana,Fabiano (2832) [A29]
2018 World Chess Championship London (4), 13.11.2018
[Sam Shankland]

1.c4 Magnus decided not to repeat d4 from the first game. This might imply that his team was unable to find anything satisfactory against Caruana's Rd8 in the QGD. I think more likely is that Magnus wants to play different first moves with White to get a rough sense of what Caruana has prepared, and once he knows what he will face if he opens with d4, c4, e4, etc, he will know which area he feels most confident targeting. 1...e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.g3 The 4 knights English has been very topical as of late. 4...d5 [4...Bb4 Has been a hot trend, with Caruana taking both sides of this position at the recently concluded Olympiad. Undoubtedly Magnus was ready for it.] 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Bg2 Bc5!? This funky move definitely is not the mainline, but it's reasonably common and has been played by some strong players in the past couple years. [6...Nb6 7.0-0 Be7 8.a3 Has been considered the mainline forever. The position is strategically very rich and there is a lot to discover still. Both sides have fair chances to outplay their opponent.] 7.0-0 0-0 8.d3 Re8 Again, Caruana chooses a less common move. [8...Bb6 Is the mainline, though it has to be said there are not too many games played. The position after 9.Nxd5 Qxd5 10.b4 e4 Is complex, though Black seems to be holding his own.] 9.Bd2 Nxc3 10.Bxc3 Nd4 11.b4 Bd6 12.Rb1! I like this move- it seems very human. Caruana started thinking here, though he may have still been in preparation and just trying to remember. It's hard to imagine Black not realizing Rb1 is a serious try. [12.Nxd4 Obviously this was an option, but Magnus eschewed it, probably thinking it would fizzle out to a draw right away. Caruana was still playing instantly so he had to know that it would be prepared. 12...exd4 13.Bxd4 Bxg3 14.hxg3 Qxd4 15.Qd2 Optically the position looks nice for White as he can play e3 and d4, putting his pawns on dark squares to complement the light squares bishop, but the lightly weakened kingside does matter. After something like 15...c6 16.e3 Qf6 17.d4 h5! Black will get counterplay against White's king. It's very understandable that Magnus was not keen to enter such a position against an obviously prepared opponent.] 12...Nxf3+ 13.Bxf3 a6 14.a4 c6 15.Re1 I have very little to say about the game after this move. Magnus' only chance to imbalance the position was to go for b5. [15.b5 cxb5 I'm sure this is the move that Magnus was concerned about. (15...axb5 It may have been Caruana's plan to play a position like this one. He already showed in game 2 that he was happy to play a slightly uncomfortable endgame straight out of the opening if he is confident that he can hold it and knows how to put his pieces and how to neutralize the edge. 16.axb5 Bd7 17.bxc6 Bxc6 18.Bxc6 bxc6 19.Qc2 Bf8 Undeniably, White is slightly better due to the weak pawn on c6. But how realistic are his winning chances? Black will plant his queen on d5, where she will be the boss of the board, and the e2-e4 advance will make d3 a long term target. The open files on the queenside means Black's rooks will become active if White is unwilling to make some trades, and White has no obvious way to make a second weakness in Black's position. Of course White has the moral advantage, but I really think this should be a draw.) 16.axb5 a5 The passed pawn is a long term trump, but I think White is still slightly more comfortable. Following 17.Qa4! It's very hard to permanently secure the a5 pawn, and if the b7-b6 advance doesn't drop a rook at some moment, it will always weaken the c6 square. White has some pleasant pressure. Still, after something like 17...Qe7 18.Rfc1 Bf5! With e4 on the way, the position will rapidly simplify and I think a draw is still by far the most likely result.] 15...Bd7 Now the b4-b5 plan is prevented, and it is very hard to come up with a credible idea for either side to play for. Soon enough, the pieces were swapped. 16.e3 Qf6 17.Be4 [17.Bg2 Magnus could have kept more tension by not allowing Bf5, but he definitely is not better and still doesn't have a great plan.] 17...Bf5 18.Qf3 Bxe4 19.Qxf6 gxf6 20.dxe4 b5! The last important move of the game. Black does not allow White to play b4-b5, and he fixes the b4-pawn on a dark square. His fractured kingside hardly matters without queens, and once the Black king advances to g6 to prevent any Kf5 plans, nobody has anything left to play for. 21.Red1 Bf8 22.axb5 axb5 23.Kg2 Red8 24.Rdc1 Kg7 25.Be1 Rdc8 26.Rc2 Ra4 27.Kf3 h5 28.Ke2 Kg6 29.h3 f5 30.exf5+ Kxf5 31.f3 Be7 32.e4+ Ke6 33.Bd2 Bd6 34.Rbc1 It was hard to expect anything else after 20...b5. Caruana clearly solved his opening problems with Black today, but maybe Magnus could have put more pressure by playing b5. I'll be interested to see the next couple games after tomorrow's rest day. I have a funny feeling they will be more tense than the last few have been. 1/2-1/2

(5) Caruana,Fabiano (2832) - Carlsen,Magnus (2835) [B31]
2018 World Chess Championship London (5), 15.11.2018
[Sam Shankland]

The fifth game produced the fifth draw, but unlike the last few encounters, this one was much more notable and interesting. It was the first time Magnus at least seemed to get caught in the opening to some extent, and the first time I wondered if he might actually get himself into trouble. Still, when pressured to find some difficult moves, he managed to keep his head above water without much trouble. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 Magnus clearly is sticking with the Sicilian, but each game is getting tougher for him. I will be interested to see if he pivots in game 8 or if he sticks with it all the way through, because the trend is not going his direction. 3.Bb5 g6 4.0-0 A new move for the match. [4.Bxc6 Carana chose to take on c6 in the previous two encounters.] 4...Bg7 5.Re1 e5 [5...Nf6 I would be interested to know what Caruana had in mind here. I would not be surprised if he was hoping to transpose back to the Bxc6 lines now that Black has committed to Nf6, and can't play the Qc7 stuff he tried previously. 6.Bxc6!? dxc6 7.d3 ] 6.b4!? An enterprising, aggressive, and very principled move. Black does not need to do much to equalize, and the c5 pawn promises him strong central control. If he could play Nge7 and get castled, he might even have the more comfortable game. But for the moment, he is behind on development, and White tries to break down the center and open the position before that happens. [6.c3? Continuing quietly with a normal developing move will not do. 6...Nge7 7.d3 0-0 I already prefer Black. He has an easy plan to play d6, h6, and eventually f5, launching a kingside attack, and I can't think of much for White to do.] 6...Nxb4! [6...cxb4 Is also possible, but after 7.a3! White has excellent compensation in a weird Sicilian-Benko hybrid. If Black is too insistent about keeping his extra pawn, he can get into massive trouble: 7...bxa3? (7...b3! Is to be preferred, leading to rough symmetry and good chances to equalize, although it still looks unpleasant to me.) 8.Bxa3 Nge7 9.Bd6! Black is already more or less lost. His pieces have no good route to get into the game and Nc3-d5 is coming.] 7.Bb2 White is down a pawn but his lead in development is very dangerous, as the game shows. 7...a6 [7...Qb6 This was also possible, but after 8.Na3! a6 9.Bf1 Nc6 10.Nc4 Qc7 11.c3! Black cannot prevent d2-d4, when the position opens up faster than he will enjoy. The machine thinks he is okay, but it looks terrifying for a human.; 7...Qc7 Is also too materialistic. After 8.c3! Nc6 9.d4! White's lead in development should soon become a big problem for Black when the center opens.] 8.a3! axb5 9.axb4 Rxa1 10.Bxa1 Caruana was still blitzing his moves and clearly in preparation. This was the first moment in the match where I thought he might have chances to score a full point. Black's center is coming under serious fire and he is not too close to castling yet. 10...d6 [10...Ne7 11.bxc5 0-0 Getting castled as soon as possible comes at a heavy price. White wins a central pawn, and the game. (11...d6! Transposes to the game) 12.Bxe5 ] 11.bxc5 Ne7! [11...dxc5? Of course it is senseless to lose the e5 pawn and fall further behind on development. 12.Bxe5 Black is in big trouble] 12.Qe2!? I'm not sure what this move was about. [12.cxd6 The computer is pretty insistent that this is the best try. after 12...Qxd6 13.d4! exd4 14.Bxd4 0-0 15.Bxg7 Qxd1 16.Rxd1 Kxg7 White has a slightly better endgame due to his better structure, but I think it should be holdable. Perhaps Caruana reached the same conclusion and chose to play the "objectively inferior" Qe2 (according to the machine) hoping to make use of the practical chance that Black was in a position where a mistake would be more costly.] 12...b4! Material is equal, and Black cannot afford to lose a pawn. This must have been an unsettling moment for Magnus, but he found the best move. 13.Qc4 Caruana was still blitzing, but I think he must have confused his preparation or forgotten something. He started thinking quite a bit after Black's next move, which is the first choice of the machine! I can gaurantee that while preparing this line, if one reaches this position, they would certainly check Qa5 as it's the computer's recommendation and the most obvious move. So it is very surprising to me that Caruana would blitz up to here, and only then start thinking. I have a feeling he got confused or misremembered something, but one can never truly know what went on. [13.Qb5+ Nc6 Leads nowhere for White] 13...Qa5! Simple and strong, but has to be well calculated. Black hits the a1 bishop, defends the b4 pawn to prepare for Bc8-e6, and pressures the c5-pawn. Play now takes on a very forced nature. 14.cxd6 Entirely forced. [14.Bb2? Be6 White loses the c-pawn, and probably the game. 15.Qe2 Qxc5 ; Ed note: At press conference, Caruana mentioned that 14.d4 "Is ridiculous and probably losing for White" -- Caruana. 14...Qxa1 15.cxd6 Nc6 16.d5 and it doesn't look like it should work, perhaps after 16...Na7 but the computer actually likes White after 17.Qxb4 ] 14...Be6! An important resource. 15.Qc7 Qxc7 16.dxc7 Nc6! Black has a very healthy position in the longrun. He can play Kd7, take the c-pawn, bring a rook to the a-file, and enjoy the bishop pair. White's only chance is to try to make something of his lead in development before Black consolidates- the typical story of any Sicilian. 17.c3 This doesn't do much and Magnus is absolutely fine now. [17.d4!? Blasting open the center at all costs was worth a shot, but Black should equalize with precise play. The moves are very forcing and not that difficult. 17...exd4 18.Rd1 d3! Now things get messy, albeit briefly. (18...Kd7 Probably holds, but won't be fun. 19.Nxd4 Nxd4 20.Bxd4 Bxd4 21.Rxd4+ Kxc7 22.Rxb4 Ra8 With no weaknesses, active pices, and chances to play for a 4 vs 3 rook ending in the worse case scenario, I suspect Black would eventually hold this. But he will suffer a lot first.) 19.Bxg7 dxc2 20.Rc1 Rg8!? The machine gives a slightly psychotic line, which is fun, but also unnecessary. (20...cxb1Q The human move equalizes easily. 21.Rxb1 Rg8= ) 21.Bd4 Nxd4 22.Nxd4 cxb1Q 23.c8Q+! This does not change the result, but a double queening is amusing. (23.Rxb1 Kd7 Is also a draw) 23...Bxc8 24.Rxb1 Kd7 25.Rxb4= ; 17.Rd1! This was probably the best chance to make trouble. Still, I think Black should hold. 17...Kd7 18.d4 Bg4?! (18...exd4 19.Nxd4 Black is forced into the 18...Kd7 line of the 17. d4 variation, with an unpleasant but probably holdable position.) 19.d5 (19.dxe5+ Kxc7 Is better for Black, as he will regain the e-pawn with a lot of activity) 19...Nd4 20.Nbd2! Rc8 The machine calls this equal but it looks a little unpleasant for Black to me. I'd worry about the protected passer on d5. 21.Nc4! ] 17...Kd7 18.cxb4 Ra8 19.Bc3 Kxc7 White won the b4-pawn, but it will be a hard pawn to maintain. He certainly is not better as the short and long term weakness of the b4-pawn and the horrible knight on a1 provide Black with excellent compensation. 20.d3 Kb6 [20...b5!? Magnus could have tried fixing the pawn on b4 as a long term weakness, and eventually try to pick it off with some combination of Ra4 and/or f6 followed by Bf8. This would have given him some vague chances to play for an edge, but I don't think it would be enough to win.] 21.Bd2 From here on out, the game follows a very forced line that chops all the pieces off. 21...Rd8 22.Be3+ Kb5 23.Nc3+ Kxb4 24.Nd5+ Bxd5 25.exd5 Rxd5 26.Rb1+ Kc3 [26...Ka4 27.Rxb7 Rb5 Is also a draw] 27.Rxb7 Nd8! 28.Rc7+ Kxd3 Black has won a pawn, but his minor pieces are stuck and passive, plus his king is a little vulnerable, so he has no serious winning chances. 29.Kf1 h5 [29...e4? Setting the pawn majority in motion is not to be recommended! 30.Ne1# ] 30.h3 Ke4 The simplest route to a draw. White should take the f7 pawn before Black gets the king far enough back to consolidate and hoping to push with 4 vs 3. 31.Ng5+ Kf5 32.Nxf7 Nxf7 33.Rxf7+ Bf6 An interesting game, and probably the first seriously unsettling one for Carlsen. I'll be interested to see if he repeats the Sicilian again in game 8, or if he pivots to something else, as he has thus far done in his two white games. 1/2-1/2

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Мурсалов Э. - Плакхин А. Чемпионат ВЦСПС, 1979 Московский вариант (0)
[20 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Абдуллаев У. - Доска И.Чемпионат ВЦСПС, 1976 Московский вариант (0)
[20 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Куперман И. - Кравцов Н.1952 Московский вариант Вариант II: 5.gh4 (0)
[19 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Хечумов Г. - Цирик З. XVIII чемпионат СССР, 1957 Московский вариант (0)
[29 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-104 - 05-07 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Изолированные шашки (0)
[28 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-433-25-55 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Сложные комбинации (0)
[28 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-359-16-37 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Принудительное удаление (0)
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«  Ноябрь 2018  »
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Слова Шахматы Шашки
Видео Шашки Школа Эндшпиль Euwe Max Kasparov Garry Alekhine Alexander 1935 A84 1936 D63 D17 1937 1939 D18 m Amsterdam Keres Paul D10 Euwe Ma D28 1946 Staunton mem Groningen Szabo Laszlo asparov Garry Denker Arnold Sheldon E49 1963 5-я партия D94 1938 C09 1953 E26 Petrosian Tigran V 10) 1953 Bucharest 10.1981 25.04.1966 Буэнос-Айрес 1927 год Gantwarg - Clerc WK 1985 без Клерк 1-1 Round Clerc Gantvarg KNDB 1985 10 Checkers-100 na Ware explosie Р. мира Гантварг года 1983 Sijbrands Ton Sijbrands для это просто TON Возвращение После совершает 15-летнего de In boren Clerc: шашкам 15 дает лет через против блистает благодаря ничьей оставляет позади игра Roozenburg Dat партия еще из NK Одна Wch 16-11-1948 Chiland продолжает Wiersma Harm вопросов 1988 зрелище Небольшое Wereldkampioenschap Paramaribo 1988 Чижов фаворит не хватает от Чижова победа на эндшпиле 23-10-1988 Ничейные победитель борьба undefined Van het én jaar damlegende над нет Chizhov 24-02-1989 Baliakin Diversen Gannes Путь der Wal Jannes favoriet Жизнь Jan Bonnave за Stokkel Как возможности раскрывают свои остается Jansen стал со ПОБЕДУ УПУСКАЕТ BIES титул карьере но Jos Door чемпион Новый по партии Или Все чемпионата Возможность пути спорта один Игры Мастер тон 1934 время ничья ошибка Только оружие Продолжение 1972 СССР 11 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 между 1962 вокруг День Что Два своей есть ход успех теперь Его доски снова сила турнире свой Александр BOM and Classic Чемпионат спорт гонки зима отдых Россия Africa Eco Race задачи находки опровержения матч чемпион мира 2015 г. Шашки-64 Награждение Чемпионат Украины 30.03.2016 г. инвалиды блиц G.Valneris news news of Russian North аварии ДТП новости ежедневно происшествия Русский Север ТРК Русский Север Izmir Turkey WC Rapid . Всеукраинский детский турнир 06-10.05.2016 г. 06-10.05.2016 г. Шашки-64. Всеукраи 21 game's Clash of the Titans Draughts Dammeкr интервью Владимир Скрабов международный гроссмейстер Гунтис Валнерис Латвия 1964 Fantastic - legal fantástico 1947 dammen Fransman P. Ghestem. 2016 год 2-0 Schwarzman C Blitz 2014 шахматы 20 июл. 2016 г. AGUERO V NASRI FOOTBALL TENNIS Match Draughts Jan Groenendijk 11e partij Виктория Мотричко кубок мира международные шашки MAGNUS 2016 Chess Movie Каменское-Днепродзержинск Шашки-100 2017.02.10 Одесса Украина рожон тактика турнир blitz 1951.5.3 A. Рокитницкий Италия 2-3 тур 31 05 2018 г. Alexander Shvartsman Game etv etvpluss WK-match Boomstra - Shvartsman история checkers Riga Open Riga Open 2019 шашки 100 A thousand crossings is my new piec
Ты измени свой почерк! А то тебе через четыре года себя продавать!(Политюков В.П.)
Если бы вы знали, что такое христианство, вы бы все были христианами.(Рыбников Ю.А.)
— Правильно! Вот вам зачёт будет! Только не так, как вы сказали, а «гомосексуалисты»!(Рыбников Ю.А.)
Пятница какой день недели? (Политюков В.П.)
Ноль на гамма равно ноль, но ноль — это не ноль на гамма.(Политюков В.П.)
Моя лекция по культуре Ренессанса… я долго трудился, чтобы придать ей антикварный вид.(Рыбников Ю.А.)
Что вы постоянно ищете и обвиняете крайних? Не суди, и не судим будешь! Христос! (Политюков В.П.)
В этом кабинете собрались величайшие умы человечества, ведь вам же мир спасать.(Масленников И.О.)
Эдвард Черненко… какая смесь: английское имя и советская фамилия.(Рыбников Ю.А.)
С одной стороны, ужасный гнусный Ленин, с другой стороны, прекрасный мудрый добрый Конфуций.(Рыбников Ю.А.)
А что вы на лекцию сок принесли? Принесли бы салатик, шашлычок… А что? В одной руке — ручка, в другой — вилочка…(Масленников И.О.)
У нас не урок чистописания, а академическая лекция, ёлки-палки.(Рыбников Ю.А.)
Чтобы не рисковать репутацией, я переделаю эту функцию вот в такую… (Виноградова Е.А.)
Любишь футбол?
Что такое учёный без христианских заповедей?(Рыбников Ю.А.)
Рейтинг@Mail.ru Яндекс.Метрика
1973 XXXIII чемпионат СССР 1938 Симонян Б. 1995 Валюк А. МАРШ-1995 1998 2002 Ком.ч.России(пер) 1999 Кетлер Разветвление I: 6...ba5 Кузнецов В.Н. 2001 Парамонов В. москва Цирик З. Сретенский Н. Плакхин А. Чемпионат ВЦСПС 1951 XIII чемпионат СССР Харьков 1972 2000 ком.п-во СЛШИ F9 IX-Ч.СССР(пер)-1973 1997 2005 1947 X чемпионат СССР Одесса 1982 Саунин О. 2003 WCI-1 XXV чемпионат СССР Арустамов Ю.А. 1986 F-20 XX-Ч.СССР(пер) Литвинович В. Ворошиловград Кустарёв Ю. Рошкевич В. 1964 XXXVIII чемпионат СССР Вильнюс Макрович М. ход 1983 Теория темпов позиция Комбинация полуфинал 1967 П. Святой 1962 1953 1936 1937 1960 1946 1939 турнир Иванов 1963 Чемпионат Ленинграда Отыгрыш 13 Доска И. Виндерман А. Коврижкин А. XXXII чемпионат СССР Романов В. Швидкий А. Блиндер Б. расчет размен 1988 Рига дамки Барабашев В.И. 1991 Даугулис XV чемпионат СССР В помощь любителю шашек Минск A. Рокитницкий 1934 Петрунин В. Самарин В.П. Тарохин В.Г. Возможность II 13.cb4 Boomstra - Shvartsman WK-match dammen Roel Boomstra Schwarzman Alexander Shvartsman
Шашки Городская партия-1
[09 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Исаенко С. - Парамонов В. ВПФ-24, 2001 Московская система Возможность II: 7.dc3 (0)
[08 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Литвинович В. - Симонян Б. XXV чемпионат СССР, 4.11.1965 Вариант I: 5.gf4 (0)
[07 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Криворученко П.Д. - Кузнецов В.Н. XXXI чемп.России(пер), 1998 План I: 8.cb4? (0)
[07 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Циркин - Кетлер F-10 X-Ч.СССР(пер), 1974 Московская система Разветвление I: 6...ba5 (0)
[06 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Стручков Н. - Андреев Д. МАГ (классика), 1999 Московская система Ответ II: 14.cd4 (0)
[06 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Высоцкий В. - Далимов В. Заочная встреча, 2004 Московская система План II: 12.ba5 (0)
[05 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Высоцкий В. - Далимов В.Заочная встреча, 2004 Московская система План I: 12.ba3 (0)
[05 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Тарохин В. - Росляков Г. РКГ-22d Ком.ч.России(пер) 2002 Московская система (0)
[05 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Дрозд Н. - Дубянский Н. LXVI чемпионат Москвы, 1998 Система III: 3...gf6 4.b:d6 e:c5. (0)
[04 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Скрабов В. - Валюк А. МАРШ-1995,1995 Московская система I.cd4 dc5 2.bc3 fg5 3.cb4 (0)
[02 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Коган М. - Куперман И. Матч IX-Чемр.СССР-1947, 1947, Московская система (0)
[02 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Султанов Р.Р. - Клевицкий Э.Д. ПОБЕДА-55, 2000 Система II Продолжение II: 6.ed2 (0)
[01 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Симонян Б. - Вертинский Л. XXVI чемпионат СССР, Грозный,1966 Вариант II: 5...dc7 (0)
[01 Май 2024][Городская партия]
Соков В. - Торчинский Г. 1938 Система II Вариант I: 5...ba5 Продолжение II: 6.cd2 (0)
[19 Апр 2024][Городская партия]
Петров В. - Лебедев Ю. XXXIII чемпионат СССР, 1973 Система II. Вариант I: 5...ba5 (0)
Шашки Городская партия-2
[18 Май 2024][Городская партия-2]
Мардер Л. - Сретенский Н.1956 Московский вариант (0)
[18 Май 2024][Городская партия-2]
Корхов С. - Хейф Л. XI чемпионат СССР Москва 1949 Московский вариант (0)
[16 Май 2024][Городская партия-2]
Владыкин Г. - Блиндер Б. Продолжение III: 5...hg7 (0)
[10 Май 2024][Городская партия-2]
Фазылов М. - Кандауров А. Звезды Самарканда 1982 (0)
[23 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Ниедритис А. - Шафир В.МЧ-6/еПФ, 2002 Разветвление II: 7.hg3 (0)
[23 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Цирик З. - Хейф Л. XIII чемпионат СССР, Харьков, 1951 (0)
[22 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Попик И. - Савенок А. МАГ-92 (совр), 1992 Разветвление II: 7.hg3 (0)
[21 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Азаров А - Мартынов И. МАРШ-1994, I.cd4 dc5. 2.bc3 fg5 3.cb4 gf6 4.b:d6 e:c5 5.gh4 fe5 (0)
[21 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Мурсалов Э. - Плакхин А. Чемпионат ВЦСПС, 1979 Московский вариант (0)
[20 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Абдуллаев У. - Доска И.Чемпионат ВЦСПС, 1976 Московский вариант (0)
[20 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Куперман И. - Кравцов Н.1952 Московский вариант Вариант II: 5.gh4 (0)
[19 Апр 2024][Городская партия-2]
Хечумов Г. - Цирик З. XVIII чемпионат СССР, 1957 Московский вариант (0)
[29 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-104 - 05-07 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Изолированные шашки (0)
[28 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-433-25-55 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Сложные комбинации (0)
[28 Июн 2017][Городская партия-2]
Пуусепп Оскар-359-16-37 1983 Городская партия с 3. ...gh4 Принудительное удаление (0)
Шашки Городская партия-3
[17 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Туманишвили - Пеепс ВКР-3 Ком.П-воСССР(пер), 1969 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[17 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Блиндер С. - Миротин Б. X чемпионат СССР, Рига 1947 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[16 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Веверис - Мартинсон Ком.Чемп.Латвии, 1991 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[16 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Соколовский М. - Ильяшенко А. XXX чемпионат Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[14 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Смаченко В. - Пустовит А. ФЗП-2 Золотое перо 1996 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[13 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Рамм Л. - Хейф Л. 10-Чемп.СССР п-ф, 1947 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[13 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Плакхин А. - Каспаров Ю. Чемпионат ВЦСПС Одесса 1974 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[12 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
А. Савин - А. Потапов, 2005 г., по переписке Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[12 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Шутилкин Н. - Коршунов Д. X чемпионат СССР 1947 Разветвление II: 8.ab2 (0)
[11 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Зелтинс - Рутиньш XXXIV чемп.Латвии(пер),1998 (0)
[11 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Еськов С. - Шогин Д. Ч-т России, Адлер 2006 1 тур Разветвление I: 8.dc5 (0)
[11 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Мартынов А. - Созинов А. Ч-т России Адллер 2005 муж. Разветвление I: 8.dc5 (0)
[10 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Павлов С. - Савенок А. Мемориал В.Сокова, 2002 Система V: 3.cb4 ba5 (0)
[09 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Мельников В. - Марцинюк Е.О.МО-30а, 1997 Разветвление II: 11.de5 (0)
[09 Май 2024][Городская партия-3]
Ремесис А. - Старобинский М.F9 IX-Ч.СССР(пер)-1973 Разветвление I: 11.hg3 (0)
фигур король диаграмме доски Белый короля поле конь пешка пешки горизонтали взятие диаграмма очередь Белые позиция черные I. 3.cb4 gh4 4.b:d6 е:с5 МЧ-3Ф мем.Чехова 2003 2000 Возможность 2002 Красинский Я.И. Возможность I: 13.gf2 1947 Возможность I: 13.cb4 Разветвление IV: 8.fg3 h:f2 9.e:g3 1999 (пер) Возможность II: 11.cb2! XXV чемпионат СССР Литвинович В. Валантинас В. Матейс 1995 Возможность I: 8 ...hg7! сайт Ниедритиса интернет 1997 Возможность III: 11.cd2 Коннов Ю.П. п-во СЛШИ Галеев А.В. Арустамов Ю.А. Вигман В. Возможность II: 10.cd4 Плакхин А. Кустарёв Ю. Ветрогон Г.И. 1982 VKR-7i Зандерс Продолжение VI. 5...gf6 6.gf4 de7. Масс 2005 Парамонов В. XXXI чемп.Латвии (пер) Продолжение VII: 5...fe7 1973 XXXIII чемпионат СССР Ворошиловград Разветвление I: 9.cd4 9...cb6 1988 XXIV Чемп.Латвии(пер) Возможность I: 10.dc3 Возможность II: 10.de5 1986 Вариант II: 5.dc3 2001 Продолжение I: 6.сb2? Разветвление I: 6...cd6 Возможность I: 7.сb4 План I: 7...fe7 Ответ I: 8.gf4! Байков В.Е. План II: 7...fg5 Разветвление II: 6...de7 Возможность I: 7.cb4 1972 XXXII чемпионат СССР Оренбург КМ-1/4 Возможность I: 7.gf4 Ком.ч.России(пер) Макрович М. Продолжение III: 6.gf4 Разветвление I: 6...ba5 Возможность I: 8.аb2 Иванов В.Ф. Логин Э.А. F-2 II-Ч.СССР(пер)-1960 Возможность II: 8.cd2 8...de7 ВО-2002 Возможность II: 8.cd2 de7 Лукьянов И.В. 1960 Разветвление II: 6...cd6 Возможность I: 7.сb4! 1964
[18 Мар 2016][Dambrete]
Бенедикт Н. - Петров ЦС ДСО Буревестник, 1965 Киевская защита (0)
[18 Мар 2016][Dambrete]
Котовский В. - Мельников Н. Косяк Полуфинал 4-го первенства СССР по переписке 1964 г (0)
[29 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «RĀMIS AR NOMAIŅU UZ g5» (0)
[09 Дек 2018][шашки-100]
Piedāvājam izlasīt komentārus par maču Zoja Golubeva – Natalia Sadowska (0)
[22 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «Atsite uz priekšu» (0)
[18 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVICS Dambrete Individualais atklatnu repertuars RIGA «AVOTS» 1982 (0)
[01 Авг 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «KUKUJEVA GAMBITS» (0)
[18 Мар 2016][Dambrete]
Старобинский М. - Мельников Н. Х-й-Чемп.СССР (пер.), 1975 Игра Бодянского (0)
[05 Авг 2018][Городская партия]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «PILSĒTAS ATKLĀTNE» (0)
[23 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «Seznosaukuma atklātne» (0)
[27 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
[06 Авг 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs - «SMUĻJANA SPĒLE» (0)
[12 Мар 2016][Dambrete]
Н. Славянов – И. Павлов Игра Шмульяна Вариант Маркачёва журнал "Шашки", 1974 г., №10 (0)
[31 Июл 2018][Dambrete]
V. ADAMOVIČS Dambrete Individuālais atklātņu repertuārs RĪGA - «KLASISKAIS RĀMIS» (0)
[11 Мар 2016][Dambrete]
Голосуев В. - Литвинович В. Спартакиада ВЦСПС,1969 Отказанная игра Каулена (0)
25 Уроков в Шашки
[13 Июн 2021][25 Уроков Шашки]
Гроссмейстер с мировым именем рассказал, зачем ходит в тренажерку (0)
[13 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Г. Нарчук - Б. Кузнецов Вилочка Уроки 11,12 и 13 стр.115-116 Чемпионат ВС СССР, 1977 г (0)
[13 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Игрa Филиппова-Блиндера Жертва Шмульяна-Маркачёва Г. Хацкевич, 25 уроков шашечной игры (0)
[10 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(249) Игра С. Дьячкова Уроки 9 и 10 - $1.Позиции со связкой правого фланга стр.102 (0)
[10 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
M. Бурковский - Б.Берлинков Игра Бодянского 25 уроков шашечной игры Г. Хацкевич, 1979 (0)
[09 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
M. Фазылов - Ю. Арустамов № 7. Игра Каулена Уроки 23,24 и 25 - стр.214-215 (0)
[09 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
А. Фомин - А. Плакхин Игра Бодянского 25-м чемпионате СССР 1965 г. Г. Хацкевич, 1979 (0)
[09 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
В.Голосуев - Н. Шагин, 1967 г. Игра Бодянского Урок 20 - стр.185 (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(449) Уроки 23,24 и 25 - $4.Жертва Кукуева стр.242-255 (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(449) Уроки 23,24 и 25 - $4.Жертва Кукуева стр.242-255 (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(449) Уроки 23,24 и 25 - $4.Жертва Кукуева стр.242-255 (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
А. Рист - Э. Рыбаков Полуфинал 23-го первенства СССР, 1963 г. Кол Сокова (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Н. Абациев - В. Максимчук Чемпионат ВС СССР, 1975 г. Отыгрыш 25 уроков шашечной игры (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Н. Абациев - В. Максимчук Чемпионат ВС СССР, 1975 г. Отыгрыш 25 уроков шашечной игры, 1979 (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(311) Уроки 14 и 15 - $3.Задания для самостоятельного решения (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(310) Уроки 14 и 15 - $2.Практические партии (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Г. Петрович - А. Хапалюк Первенство БГУ, 1965 г Обратная игра Бодянского (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(305) Уроки 14 и 15 - $1.Позиции со связкой левого фланга (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
Г. Петрович - А. Хапалюк Первенство БГУ, 1965 г Обратная игра Бодянского (0)
[02 Мар 2016][25 Уроков Шашки]
(296) Уроки 14 и 15 - $1.Позиции со связкой левого фланга (0)
Шашечный миттельшпиль
[19 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 392 - 20(38) - 1983, Киевская защита, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[19 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 078-01(06) 1983, Кол, Связанные шашки (0)
[18 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 260-50(33) -1983, Киевская защита, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[17 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 381 - 05(38) - 1983, Тычок, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[16 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 084 - 10(06) - 1983, Связанные шашки, Тычок, (0)
[16 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 270 - 14 (34)-1983, Соковский кол (0)
[16 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 141 - 08(09) - 1983, Тычок, опорные точки, активные шашки, (0)
[16 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 146-14(09) 1983, Соковский кол (0)
[15 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 432-24(310) 1983 (0)
[15 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 046 - 22(03) - 1983, Безымянное начало, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[14 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 25-18(02) 1983 (0)
[14 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 445 - 04(55) - 1983, Безымянное начало, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[14 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 315 - 15 (36) 1983 (0)
[14 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 047 - 23(03) - 1983, Безымянное начало, Комбинационные приемы, (0)
[13 Май 2024][Kabe Keskmäng]
Пуусепп Оскар - 264 - 5 (34) 1983 (0)
Шашечный миттельшпиль
1973 XXXIII чемпионат СССР 1938 Симонян Б. 1995 Валюк А. МАРШ-1995 1998 2002 Ком.ч.России(пер) 1999 Кетлер Разветвление I: 6...ba5 Кузнецов В.Н. 2001 Парамонов В. москва Цирик З. Сретенский Н. Плакхин А. Чемпионат ВЦСПС 1951 XIII чемпионат СССР Харьков 1972 2000 ком.п-во СЛШИ F9 IX-Ч.СССР(пер)-1973 1997 2005 1947 X чемпионат СССР Одесса 1982 Саунин О. 2003 WCI-1 XXV чемпионат СССР Арустамов Ю.А. 1986 F-20 XX-Ч.СССР(пер) Литвинович В. Ворошиловград Кустарёв Ю. Рошкевич В. 1964 XXXVIII чемпионат СССР Вильнюс Макрович М. ход 1983 Теория темпов позиция Комбинация полуфинал 1967 П. Святой 1962 1953 1936 1937 1960 1946 1939 турнир Иванов 1963 Чемпионат Ленинграда Отыгрыш 13 Доска И. Виндерман А. Коврижкин А. XXXII чемпионат СССР Романов В. Швидкий А. Блиндер Б. расчет размен 1988 Рига дамки Барабашев В.И. 1991 Даугулис XV чемпионат СССР В помощь любителю шашек Минск A. Рокитницкий 1934 Петрунин В. Самарин В.П. Тарохин В.Г. Возможность II 13.cb4 Boomstra - Shvartsman WK-match dammen Roel Boomstra Schwarzman Alexander Shvartsman